Saturday, 31 July 2010

Got some teeth

On wednesday, I went into hospital to have all four of my wisdom teeth removed and despite all the horror stories of 'hamster faces', bruising and torturous agony, the thing that most concerned me was the likelihood of me spilling my private thoughts to the anaesthetist. Now, I am pretty adept at putting my foot in it when I am straight and sober so you can understand my concerns regarding being off my tits on gas. When I was being prepped for the surgery I mentioned this to the doctor. He started laughing and began to regale me with a funny anecdote when, wham, I was being slapped awake by the nurses in the recovery room. I feel cheated! Not only did I not get the end of the story but no one would neither confirm nor deny that I had blurted out a little audio nasty of my own. I'm just hoping it was as classic as one I heard of - a little old lady telling the nurses and doctors, "Fuck you and the horse you rode in on".

So it is Sunday and I am hungover from my cocktail of Tramadol and children Ibuprofen and now I have to get up and go to a bbq. All I really want to do though, is lie in bed and vegetate but that is all I have done since wednesday. Despite the lack of exercise, I have managed to lose a couple of pounds. Woop!


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